Gaming on a Budget: The Best Games That Won't Break the Bank



Gaming can be an expensive hobby, with the latest games costing upwards of $60. However, there are plenty of great games available that won't break the bank. In this article, we'll be taking a comprehensive look at the best games that won't break the bank. These games are affordable and offer hours of entertainment, making them perfect for gamers on a budget.

Gaming on a Budget: The Best Games That Won't Break the Bank

Among Us

Among Us is a popular online multiplayer game that can be played on a wide range of devices, including PC, mobile, and Nintendo Switch. The game is affordable, with a price tag of just $5 on Steam, making it accessible to gamers on a budget. The game involves players working together to complete tasks on a spaceship, while one or more imposters try to sabotage their efforts.

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a relaxing farming simulation game that is perfect for gamers looking for a low-stress game that won't break the bank. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile, and is priced at just $15. The game allows players to create their own farm and build relationships with the town's residents, making it a fun and engaging experience.

Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight is a beautifully crafted 2D platformer that offers challenging gameplay and a stunning world to explore. The game is priced at just $15 on multiple platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation. The game features a vast world filled with unique enemies and challenging bosses, making it a great choice for gamers looking for a challenging and affordable game.

Rocket League

Rocket League is a unique combination of soccer and racing that is both fun and challenging. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, and is priced at just $20. The game involves players controlling cars and trying to score goals by hitting a ball into the opposing team's goal.

Ori and the Blind Forest

Ori and the Blind Forest is a stunningly beautiful platformer that offers challenging gameplay and a moving story. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, and is priced at just $20. The game features a breathtaking world to explore and challenging enemies to overcome, making it a great choice for gamers looking for an affordable and engaging game.


Celeste is a challenging 2D platformer that offers a moving story and stunning visuals. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation, and is priced at just $20. The game features a challenging world to explore and unique enemies to overcome, making it a great choice for gamers looking for a challenging and affordable game.

Dead Cells

Dead Cells is a fast-paced action-platformer that offers challenging gameplay and a vast world to explore. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation, and is priced at just $25. The game features a wide range of weapons and abilities to unlock, making it a great choice for gamers looking for an affordable and engaging game.


Cuphead is a unique side-scrolling shooter that features stunning visuals and challenging gameplay. The game is available on multiple platforms, including PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, and is priced at just $20. The game features a challenging world to explore and unique bosses to overcome, making it a great choice for gamers looking for a challenging and affordable game.


In conclusion, gaming on a budget doesn't mean sacrificing quality or entertainment value. There are plenty of great games available that won't break the bank. These games offer hours of entertainment and challenging gameplay, making them perfect for gamers on a budget.

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